New Version available, some new features.

I updated the Interface of the Frontend Application to be more logical and impleted some new features:
- Compare – reads the disk in the drive and compares it to an adf-file on your harddrive.
- Format – formats the disk in the drive in OFS, quickformat is available
- AutoFormat – does the same, but like autorip it prompts you to change the disk and continues formating disks until you hit Abort.
- Diskinfo – reads the Boot & Rootblock and displays infos and the used blocks bitmap
- Settings – allows you to edit the timing parameters of adf-drive to compensate for problems with older drives. requires some knowledge about floppy drives, but you can always restore to default settings.

All-in-One Version for Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), Linux, Raspberry Pi
New Features:
– more detailed diskinfo and used blocks
– format disk, format several disks
– changing drive timings for larger compatibility woth older drives, mtp mode on/off, number of retries and saving them to EEPROM
– compare disk to adf file.
– graphical overhaul of interface
– bugfixes of v1.001
The new Frontend requires a new firmware so make sure you update your firmware too.

Updated firmware with new features
– Saving settings in EEPROM, timings for the drive can be adjusted and saved.
– Several bugfixed and new functions for the updated frontend.
– This firmware works with ADF-Copy PCB v3 & v4 and the breadboard layout.